Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Owl Walk Cycle

This was the first thing I did at my internship at Janimation to prove that I got skills. It was a lot of fun to do cause I've wanted to animate this character for a while. Also, the pen tool and I got past our differences and are now friends.


  1. Dude this is super bad ass. I can't wait until I have the ben franklin/cat/alien story ready to animate on!

  2. This is so awesome! I was doodling this character for our art trade the other day and I was thinking he just needs to be animated. I like how bouncy he is.

  3. Thanks you guys!
    @Stuart: YES I can't wait either! Thats gonna be so much fun

    @Caitlyn: I did some doodles of Almos the other day for the art trade too!
